*** Islands of Good and Evil *** (128x128) ------------------------ By Daniel Terborn This map is a rather big modification of Hilander, which was a one-player map. My map, however, is made for two players. Each player begins with only one peasant, three 50,000 goldmines and a closeby oilpatch. (Half the pleasure is the building of the town, isn't it?) :) I have also added Cho'gall and Lothar on seperate sides as leaders for their races. A BIG sea divides the continent, with one player on each side. This SHOULD create dosens of naval battles, I hope. Also, in the channel there are several small islands with oilpatches close by... Quite a battle this could be, huh? Check out my other scenarios: wc2_outp.pud: The Two Outposts. War is raging in the paths of the forest. Make your way though the small passageways and attack your enemies... I'd like comments... If u wanna reach me: daniel.terborn@mailbox.swipnet.se